Is your process documentation lacking in Maximo?
Documentation is often a missing part for many Maximo installations. Processes are highly customized to your company's requirement. But how to keep all your users informed of the proper usage of your Maximo?
At Amosa we can help you define and build your personalized documentation, tailored for your personal processes. We have developed standard 'introduction chapters' for general navigation, reporting etc, then we would add your personal processes to our standard package.
Within the documentation we use Keywords, Indexing and Linking to other sections to make the document understandable and easy to navigate for the most novice users and advanced users alike.
Documents can be easilly updated and redeployed as changes are rolled out in your organization.
Building documentation for you would result in a comprehensive online help that can be published in:
Webhelp, and HTML format, to link as a online help to your Maximo
PDF, Epub, Kindle formats for traditional
Visual Studio Help
Word and eWriter e-books.
Contact us here for more information.